During my second intervention at the SME Week, organized by the CCI Seine Estuaire au Havre, I sketched some ideas on what organizational resilience could do. Sketched, because it is a vast and protean subject, which extends beyond risk and crisis management, agility, and governance. "Ability to bounce back and develop in a context of uncertainty of discontinuity, and urgency." But still?
I am convinced that the first step is to accept one's vulnerability, individual and collective, to seek to better understand it; then to be able to position oneself "on the fringes", in particular to: 1. Get out of the illusion of invulnerability, review our mental models, question our unthinkable 2. Pay attention to the weak signals, warning of the famous "black swans" 3. Develop a new perception of Time, between long-term and Kairos (the right moment) 4. Practice projecting yourself into an improbable future rather than trying to predict it 5. Be able to let go depending on the situation This work at the margins requires a secured base for the teams. This is how Creative Leadership can make a difference, i.e. encouraging creativity within the organization beyond innovation and problem solving in the strict sense. The personal ecology of the leader also seems to me to be a fundamental element of this organizational resilience. But the rebound is never guaranteed, and the search for resilience for resilience's sake can come at a price, that of toxicity and exhaustion, and of a new illusion of control. If you are interested in this exciting topic, and in exploring it for your organization, please do not hesitate to contact me!
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Jean-Philippe Gauvrit
Mai 2024